Hey all
So I've looked a bit and haven't really found an answer, so here goes.
I have a code ( in JS but help in C# works also)
that starts an animation when the space key is pressed and I have that part working but I don't know how to make it so that when I press the space key again the animation will stop.
this is the relevant code
private var anim: Animator; //a reference to the animator component
function Awake()
//set up references
anim = GetComponent(Animator);
function Update()
var swing: boolean = Input.GetButton("Attack");
//Animate the player
function Animating (swing: boolean)
if(swing == true)
anim.SetBool("Sword01", true);
So yeah any help on how to make it set the boolean back to false by pressing the space button a second time would be awesome! The animator is already set up so when the boolean turns false the animation should stop.